Present Perfect Tense "We have gone" and Simple Past Tense "we went"

contoh kalimat simple past tense

Berikut kami jelaskan perbedaan antara kalimat bentuk present perfect tense dengan simple past tense. Kami juga masukkan alur waktu past perfect tense dan present perfect tense. sebagian bahan kami sarikan dari buku 
Practical English Grammar (AJ Thompson & AV Martinet).Semoga berguna dalam memahami bahasa Inggris.  


Present Perfect Tense (We have gone) and Simple Past Tense (we went)


We have gone                            VS                We went


I have watched three movies this week

This week; its not over yet, its still on. You may say this while you are in Monday, Tuesday, ..until Sunday.

The action has completed. “This week” represent “present time” and link to present time in this present perfect sentence.

“watched” in the sentence is third form of verb 


I watched three movies last week

“last week” is the past and time frame is over.”last week” link to the past time in this past sentence.

We cant use “this week” because we cant mix past activities with present time (this week), so we use past time (last week).

“watched” in the sentence is second form of verb 


I have completed my graduation

Present perfect can also be used without time frame.

As long as we dont mention the time (when), or the time is not specified, we are free to use present perfect tense.



I completed my graduation in 2013

If we want to mention a specified time, we use simple past tense. 

Time is clearly specified: “2013” is the past for we talk about it in 2016.


My uncle has gone to New York 5 times

My uncle is alive, he still exists, we talk about places he has visited.


My uncle went to New York 5 times

Supposing my uncle is dead, he is no longer exist and we recall him, we talk about places he visited.



I’ve lived in London for 7 years

When I talk about it I still live in London



I lived in London for 7 years

I’m now in the different country. I recall London as the place i lived for 7 years 





Baik “Past Perfect” maupun “Present Perfect”, keduanya sama-sama memaparkan tentang sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum satu titik waktu/ titik acuan (reference point


Past                                  Present                                                  Future


Dalam “Present Perfect”, titik acuannya adalah sekarang (present).

“I Have been to Japan twice”


Past          twice                    Present                                    Future


Dalam “past perfect”, titik acuannya adalah masa lalu (past).

“I had been to Japan twice by the time i was 10 years old”


Past     twice       10              Present (28 years old)              Future

                                    years old



·       Suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan terus sampai sekarang.

Contoh: I have lived in this city for six months

_________ I I I I I I____________I___________________________

Past          6 months                Present                                    Future

(is living in the city)


·       Suatu tindakan yang telah terjadi dengan waktu yang tidak dijelaskan

Contoh: I have been to Japan twice


Past          twice                    Present                                    Future


Rumus: HAVE / HAS + past participle

Contoh:         My mother has just gone to the store.

                     Janet has lived abroad for five years.

                     I haven’t seen the new movie yet.   

Have you finished your homework?


Biasanya digunakan ‘ve dan ‘s dalam present perfect:

I’ve been to Japan three times.

                    My mother’s just gone to the store.

                    Janet’s lived abroad for five years.



Suatu tindakan yang telah terjadi sebelum suatu waktu di masa lalu

“When I arrived at the office this morning, I discovered that I had left my computer on the night before


      Past             the night             this            Present                                Future

                          Before            morning        


Rumus: HAD + past participle

Contoh:    I had been to Japan twice by the time I was 10 years old.

                 Terdapat dua info:       1. I went to Japan in 1988 and 1991 (twice).

                                                     2. I turned 10 years old in 1994.


When I woke up this morning, my husband had already eaten breakfast.

1.    My husband ate breakfast at 6:00 AM

2.    I woke up at 7:00 AM (this morning)


Biasanya digunakan ‘d dalam Past Perfect:

I’d traveled to five different countries by the time I was 20 years old



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