Berikut kami sajikan contoh penggunaan kalimat bentuk Future Tense. Sebagian bahan kami sarikan dari buku Practical English Grammar (AJ Thompson & AV Martinet).Semoga bisa menambah pemahaman dalam menguasai pelajaran bahasa Inggris.
- Bentuknya simple
present tapi untuk menyatakan future
The boys start school on Monday. meski
lebih umum dipakai: The boys are starting
I leave tonight
· Im leaving tonight :
keputusan bulat, sedang I leave tonight:
salahsatu rencana tapi tidak berarti dibuat oleh si subjek
· “Simple
present” terkesan lebih formal ketimbang “Simple Continuous”. A big store planning
to open a new branch is more likely to say Our
new branch opens next week than Our
new branch is opening next week
· “Simple
persent” kadang digunakan kala “present continuous” terkesan tidak efisien,
khususnya saat membicarakan rangkaian agenda aktivitas, seperti rencana
perjalanan: We leave at six, arrive in
Dublin at ten and take the plan on... kalimat ini lebih ringkas
ketimbang: We are leaving at six, arriving in Dublin at ten and taking the plane on...
jadwal rutin bersubjek moda transportasi, harus menggunakan simple past: My train leaves at six, the Boat sails in the morning
- will + infinitive untuk
menunjukkan niatan
The phone is ringing. B: I’ll answer it
Bian (to waiter): I will (would like to)
have soto tangkar and orange juice, ple"ase
Ani: I’d better order a gojek for
tonight. Rhoma: Dont bother. I’ll drive you.
Markum (looking at a page full of
client’s emails. I’ll reply them tonight.
Parni (who is getting tired of driving
to jakarta): I know what to do. I’ll take commuter line and keep my car near the
Ali (on receiving a call saying his father is ill): I’ll go
home tonight/ I’ll leave tonight
· “will”
digunakan untuk hal aksidental/ yang tak direncanakan sebelumnya, seperti
contoh di atas. Namun untuk aktivitas yang disebutkan kembali, gunakan “present
Temon: What are you having/ going to have?
Badu: I’m having/ going to have soto tangkar and
orange juice
Ani: I’d better order a
gojek for tonight. Rhoma: Dont bother.
I’ll drive you.
Ani membatin dengan riang: Rhoma is
driving me/ going to drive me to the party tonight
Markum: I’ll reply them tonight. Markum
berkata lagi: I’m going to reply these emails tonight
Parni: I know what to do. I’ll take
commuter line and keep my car near the station. Parni
berkata lagi: I’m going to take commuter line.
Ali: I’ll go home tonight/ I’ll leave
tonight. Again, Ali say: I’m
going home tonight
- Present Continuous rasa
waktu harus disebutkan untuk membedakan antara “present” dengan “future”.
· Present
continuous menunjukkan rencana dalam waktu dekat
I’m taking an exam in October =
saya sudah daftar dan tunggu waktunya
Beib dan Bob are meeting tonight = keduanya
sudah menyamakan jadwal
· Dengan
verbs of movement: go, come, drive, fly, travel, arrive, leave, start, verb of
position: stay, remain, verb: do, have (foods& drinks)
are you doing next Saturday? I’m going
to Ancol
neighbour are coming in to watch world
cup final
not doing anything. I’m syating at home. I’m writing (going to write) songs
· Verbs of senses: feel, hear, see, smell, notice, observe
Vebs of feeling and emotion expressions: adore, appreciate
(value), care (like), desire, detest, fear, hate, like, loathe, love, mind,
value, want, wish
Verbs of mental activity:
agree, appreciate (understand), believe, expect (think), feel (think), feel
sure/ certain, forget, know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize,
recollect, remember, see (understand), see through someone (penetrate his
attempt to deceive), think (have an oppinion), trust (believe/ have confidence
in), understand
Verbs of posession:
belong, owe, own, possess
(kata kerja bantu/ modal): kecuali be dan have di penggunaan tertentus
Verbs: appear (seem),
concern, consist, hold (contain), keep (continue), matter, seem signify
verbs disebutkan di atas, gunakan future tense dengan will/ shall:
I will/ shall know tonight
They will be here tomorrow
We’ll think it over
The dogs will/ shall have friskies for
You will understand when you grow up
The tutorial will/ shall consist of
steps to start online business
The baby will/ shall recognize her
parents when she wakes up
to be digunakan dalam bentuk pasif: He is
being met at the station. Our new piano is being delivered this afternoon.
- lebih
lanjut untuk will
+ infinitive
agent: Now,how do you want to go to Lombok,
sir? By air or by train?
(making up his mind): The trains are too
slow. I’ll fly.
talking about his plans for the journey, the traveler will say: I’m flying
to Lombok next week
have to pay 750 K rent at thw end of
this month and I dont know where to find he money
Dont worry. I’ll give you 750 K
before Rhoma has actually give the
money, Ani will say: Rhoma is giving me
750 K.
Would you like to come to the dangdut concert tonight?
I’d love to. Shall I meet you there?
No, I’ll call for you. About seven?
Later, Ami, telling a friend about this plan, will say: Rhoma is taking me to the dangdut concert tonight. He’s calling for me at seven.
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